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Full details of conditions or reasons for refusal can be found on the Somerset Council Web-site.


00001 Retention of washroom, Cossington Lane - D. Goodwin - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 25.2.2011;

00002 Installation of 2 rooflights per dwelling to 2 approved dwellings, rear of 29 Lower Road - N2 Properties - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 20.4.2011;

00003 Renewal of 54/08/00003 for the erection of extensions at 1 Crossmead - J. Lumsden - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 26.4.2011;

00004 Erection of 5 turbine wind farm, Withy Farm, East Huntspill - D. Garry - Parish Council recommended REFUSAL - SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 24.4.2012;

00005 Certificate of lawfulness for erection of fence to front of School, Higher Road - Woolavington Village School - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 1.4.2011;

00006 Erection of 16 dwellings to the west of 17 Higher Road - SHAL Housing Ltd - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION;

00007 Minor Amendment to garage roof, 17 Crancombe Lane - Mr & Mrs A.P. Carolan - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 7.4.2011;

00008 Use of land to site 2 mobile homes, 2 touring caravans and erection of 2 day rooms for use by 2 gypsy families, Hundred Acres, Crancombe Lane - D. Staunton - Parish Council recommended REFUSAL - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 26.5.2011;

00009 Erection of canopy to front of School building and classroom window replaced by door, Higher Road - Woolavington Village Primary School- Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 11.5.2011;

00010 Erection of single storey extension to side elevation, 4 Horton Way - S. Thraves - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 17.5.2011;

00011 Conversion of garage to living accommodation, 30 Horton Way - N. Ryles - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 26.5.2011;

00012 Erection of conservatory to rear elevation and porch to front elevation, 19 The Drive - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 23.5.2011;

00013 Fell 1 Corsican pine tree, 10A Higher Road - Mrs C. Moss - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 2.6.2011;

00014 Erection of stables, north of Pear Tree Farm, Causeway - R. Bailey - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 7.9.2011;

00015 Erection of side extension, 12 Causeway - P. Warren - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 8.7.2011;

00016 Renewal of 54/08/032, erection of dwelling and demolition of outbuilding, 1 Hectorstones - Mrs J. Haggett - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 10.11.2011;

00017 Works to walnut tree, 3 Tapps Lane - K. Bilsborough - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 14.11.2011;

00018 Minor amendment to proposed extension, 36 Meadway - Miss V. Heft - SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 9.11.2011;

00019 Retention of 3 rooflights in east elevation, Hurman's Cottages, Vicarage Road - Miss M.M. Watts - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 29.11.2011;

00020 Erection of single storey side extension, 36 Meadway - Miss V. Heft - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION;


001 Erection of replacement conservatory to rear elevation, 4 Mountview - M. Shingfield - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION;

002 Reroofing including installation of roof light in northern elevation, 12 Lower Road - S. Tucker - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION;

003 Installation of two wood burning stoves and replacement dormer window, 4 Higher Road - P. Canham - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

004 Conversion of first floor of former cock-pit to ancillary accommodation including installation of door, external staircase, dry-lining and re-thatching, 10C Higher Road - S. Wheeler - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 29.5.2012.

005 Change of use from B8 storage to B1 light industrial use, Coombe Lane Business Units - S. Oram - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 27.4.2012

006 Certificate of lawfulness for the existing conversion of loft to living accommodation, 1 Causeway Close - C. Low - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

007 Erection of extension to the rear of 26 Lower Road - Mrs S. Barnett - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 28.5.2012.

008 Minor amendment to material of windows, land at Higher Road - SHAL Housing Ltd - SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 15.6.2012.

009 Outline planning application with all matters reserved (except access) for the erection of 45 dwellings, play area, attenuation pond, access road, improvements to Higher Road and full planning application for new doctors surgery and associated works, Crockers Hill - BAE Systems Properties Ltd and Edington Surgery (revised plans). Parish Council recommeded PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 25.3.2013.

010 Minor amendment to raise roof to allow installation of garage doors in west elevation, 8 Lower Road - R. Donkersley. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION 3.7.2012.

011 Change of use and conversion of former chapel to dwelling and erection of garage, Causeway - T. Howes. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION - subsequently WITHDRAWN

012 Works to walnut tree, 6 The Drive - Mr Dunn. Parish Council recommeded PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 1.8.2012

013 Minor amendment to incorporate garage doors and natural stone piers in west elevation, 8 Lower Road - R. Donkersley. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 13.8.2012.

014 Change of use of existing stable and arena from domestic to business use, formation of new driveway and access (via Middlemoor Drove) north of Reeds Drive - Middlemoor Equestrian. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 21.11.2012

015 Change of use and conversion of former chapel to dwelling and erection of double garage, Causeway - T. Howes. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 31.10.2012.

016 A mixed –use development comprising up to 120 dwellings (including 20 bungalows), a proportion of affordable housing, Health Centre Facility (Class D1), start-up employment units (Use Class B1), shop (Use Class A1/A5), public open space (including Locally Equipped Area of Play), extension to existing allotments, associated landscaping and infrastructure, and access - PM Asset Management & Mrs CK Hudson. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN.

017 Removal of west facing window from kitchen in block B, to the west of 17 Higher Road - SHAL Housing Ltd (minor amendment) SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

018 Works to angling pond to east of ROF Factory - BAE Systems Ltd - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 10.12.2012.

019 Fell walnut tree, Chapel House, Causeway - T. Howes - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

020 Conversion of garage to living accommodation, 6 The Drive - Mr & Mrs M. Dunn WITHDRAWN

021 Erection of stable block and tack room, formation of horse riding arena and use of land to park horse lorry/trailer, north of Reeds Drive - S. Marsh. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 15.1.2013.

022 Renewal of planning permission for existing elliott building, Woolavington Community Primary School, Higher Road - Somerset County Council. Parish Council recommeded PERMISSION. SCC GRANTED PERMISSION 17.1.2013.


001 Minor amendment to roof, Plot 3 Causeway - S & M Marsh. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 31.1.2013

002 Change of use of land from agriculture to equestrian, erection of stables, formation of menage and access, Middlemoor Drove - S & M Equestrian. Parish Council recomended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN

003 Fell Lombardy poplar tree, rear of 10 Knowle End - Somerset County Council. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION 21.3.2013.

004 Erection of agricultural garage/workshop at Meadow Farm, 28 Causeway - Lynham & Chidgey - full planning application required.

005 Erection of 60 dwellings, employment and retail units, allotments and associated landscaping, infrastructure and access off Woolavington Hill - Sycamore II Property Development Fund. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.

006 & 007LB Erection of extension to north elevation to provide a utility room, 9 Lower Road - J. Earl. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

008 - Variation of condition 13 of 54/11/00006, Higher Road - SHAL Housing Ltd. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

009 - Retention of building to form store for hay/straw, quadbike and tractor, 10 Reeds Drive - Miss K. Bryant - Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

010 Installation of solar energy facility utising solar photovoltaic panels to produce uo to 7 megawatts of renewable electricity, Pyde Drove - Wessex Solar Energy - Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

011 Conversion of garage to living accommodation, 69 Highcroft - Mrs D. Thomas - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

012 Erection of bungalow, garage and formation of access to the south of 11 The Drive - E. Sharp - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.




016 Retention of use of buildings as B1, B2 & B8 and erection of security fence, former Wyvern Centre, Cossington Lane, Cossington - Montana Scaffolding Ltd.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

017 Erection of two storey dwelling with detached garage and parking area to the south of 1 Chilpitts - R. Darch. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.



020 Erection of 3 poles as a "T" to the existing 33kV overhead line, Causeway - Western Power Distribution. Parish Council No Observations. SDC NO OBJECTION

021 Change of use of land from agriculture to equestrian and erection of stables to the north of Pear Tree Farm, Causeway - D. Allen. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

022 Renewal of permission for 6 bay temporary Elliott building, Woolavington Community Primary School, Higher Road - Somerset County Council. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SCC GRANTED PERMISSION

023 Erection of 5 turbine wind farm with associated infrastructure, Withy End, Causeway - EDF Energy Renewables , Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION


001 Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed change of use from drinking establishment (Use Class A4) to convenience store (Use Class A1), Prince of Wales, 42 Woolavington Hill - Box Property Group. Parish Council requested that the application be REFUSED. SDC GRANTED CERTIFICATE.

002 Erection of single storey side and rear extensions, 30 Meadway - Mrs J. Froud. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

003 Erection of one additional stable north of Reeds Drive - S. Marsh. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

004 Change of use of existing buildings and erection of a workshop/canteen building and 5 classroom blocks to provide a non-residential school/training centre (Use Class D1) formation of access, parking and installation of boundary fence, Mega Granite Ltd, Cossington Lane, Cossington - Priory Group. WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT

005 Erection pf dwelling and double garage to be used as managers accommodation for equestrian business to the north of Reeds Drive - Middlemoor Equestrian. Parish Council recommend REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.

006 Erection of two storey side extension to include garage, 22 Higher Road - Mr & Mrs D. Mitchell . Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

007 Remodelling and extension to premises in connection with proposed A1 retail use, Prince of Wales, 42 Woolavington Hill - Box Property Group. Parish Council recommend REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT

008 Erection of dwelling, garage and formation of access to the east of 7 Chilpitts - D. Logan. Parish Council recommend REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.



011 Erection of garage, 10 Mortimer Close - A. Stamps. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

012 Work to Field Maple Tree, 5A Lower Road - R. Ingram Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


014 Erection of dwelling, 1 Hectorstones - Mrs J. Haggett. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

015 Amendment of condition 3 of planning permission 54/13/00010 to change the date of decommissioning from 25 to 35 years, Pyde Drove, Woolavington - Cleomedes Energy Ltd. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

016 Extensions and remodelling including roof alterations and new shopfront to facilitate permitted change from public house (Class A4) to retail convenience store (Class A1), alterations to vehicular access and parking layout, landscaping and associated works, Prince of Wales, 42 Woolavington Hill - Box Property Group. Parish Council recommend REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

017 Demolition of single storey extension and erection of a pair of semi-detached 3 bed houses, formation of parking and access, 23 Lower Road - P.T. Brandon. Parish Council recommend REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN BY APPLICANT.

018 Erection of agricultural building, Stones Yard, Higher Road, C & W Stone - PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT.

019 Work to sycamore tree, 7 The Drive - J. Matthews. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

020 Erection of 45 dwellings, formation of internal estate roads, open space, LAP, community orchard and allotments to the west of Crockers Hill - Newland Homes. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

021  Formation of access, 14 Higher Road - D. Cummings. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION  SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

022 Erection of first floor extension to west elevation and single storey extension to south elevation, Darkfield Farm, Cossington Lane - Mr & Mrs C. Willsteed. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

023 Conversion of garage to living accommodation, including replacement of garage door with window, 63 Highcroft - P. Underwood. Parish Council recommend PERMISSION.  SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


001  Demolition of single storey extension and erection of detached bungalow, detached double garage and improvements to access, 23 Lower Road - P. Brandon. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

002  & 3LB Demolition of garden store and erection of new garage/store, 12 Lower Road - Mr & Mrs S. Tucker. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


005 - Erection of side garage with store to rear and above, 63 Highcroft - Mr & Mrs  P Underwood. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

006 - Remove condition 2 of planning permission 54/05/00029, holiday units, Hurmans Farm, Vicarage Road - G.M. Watts . Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.


008 - Replace and extend decking to the rear of 24 Higher Road - Mrs J. Bowers. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


010 - Erection of attached double garage, 23 Lower Road - P. Brandon. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

011 - Remove branch from Corsican Pine tree, 10A Higher Road – Mrs C.M. Moss – Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. WITHDRAWN.

012 Retention of 4.5m high steel mast with anemometer, land off Pyde Drove - Cleomedes Energy Ltd. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

013 Erection of single storey extension to east elevation to include porch, raising of roof by 0.9m and installation of windows to convert loft to living accommodation, 51 Sedgemoor Way - Miss G. Doughty. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.

014 Change of use from touring caravan site to touring and static caravan holiday park to the south of Novamere, Causeway - S. Cox. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

015 Erection of conservatory to south elevation, 8 Causeway - G. Vellacott. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

016 Erection of two storey extension to rear elevation, 5 Cossington Lane - G. Mitchell Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN

017 Change of use and conversion of former doctors' surgery to fish and chip shop, Windmill Crescent - Bozurt Company Ltd. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

018 Removal of 290m of hedgerow north of 28 Causeway - Lynham & Chidgey Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

019 Change of use of land for inclusion in the garden area, 56 Sedgemoor Way - Mrs T. McPheat. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


021 Infilling of part of lake, construction of cycle track, installation of mechanical water skiing device and formation of earth bund, Middlemoor Water Park - Middlemoor Water Park. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN.

022 Erection of a two-bedroomed dwelling on site of garage at 16 Meadway - M. Thorne. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

023 Erection of two storey extension to rear elevation between dwelling and garage, 5 Cossington Lane - G. Mitchell. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

024 Fell one maritime pine, 10A Higher Road - Mrs C. Moss. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

025 - Erection of single storey extension to east elevation to include porch, raising of roof height and installation of windows to convert loft to living accommodation, 51 Sedgemoor Way - Miss G. Doughty. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

026 Removal of two hedgerows, south of Combe Lane - J. Warren. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.

027 Variation of condition1 of permission 54/14/00015 to include the composting toilet layout, toilet elevations and revised landscaping plan, Pyde Drove - WSE Pyde Drove Ltd. Parish Council made NO OBSERVATIONS. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


001 - Outline permission for 6 affordable dwellings to the east of 8 Elm Lane - T. Haggett. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.


003 Erection of building to form triple garage with one bedroom flat above and demolition of part of existing garage, 6 Hectorstones - M. Titmus. Parish Council recommended conditional PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

004 - Retention of change of use of land included within the garden area and erection of fence and 1.77m high fence, 8 Windmill Crescent - J. Smith. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


006 - Infilling of part of lake, construction of cycle track, installation of mechanical water skiing device and formation of earth bund, Middlemoor Water Park, Causeway - Middlemoor Cable Tow. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL.  SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

007 & 008LB - Erection of single storey extension to south elevation and replacement of rooflight with dormer window in north elevation, 9 Lower Road - Mr & Mrs J. Earl. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.  SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

009 - Retention of garage, 10 Mortimer Close, Woolavington - A. Stamps. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

010 - Erection of agricultural building to be used for hay/straw/machinery storage to the south of The Yards, Higher Road, Woolavington - C & W Stone  - Parish Council no firm recommendation. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

011 - Change of use of vacant public house to retail and single storey extension, external alterations including installation of plant, delivery bay and shopfront, 42 Woolavington Hill, Woolavington - Co-operative Group Food Ltd  Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

012 - Use of land to site a mobile shepherd's hut to be used as a farm shop at 5 School Lane - S. Hares. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

013 - Erection of an extension partly on site of garage and outbuilding to be demolished to create a replacement garage and living accmmodation at 9 Southfield Close - P. Furlong. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

014 - Use of land to site a static caravan to provide welfare facilities for staff and customers in connection with equestrian business and erection of manure bunker, north of Reeds Drive - Middlemoor Equestrian Centre.WITHDRAWN

015 - Change of use, conversion and extension of outbuilding to form dwelling at 24 Vicarage Road - G. Watts. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION.


017 - Erection of three dwellings, formation of access and parking at 42 Woolavington Hill - Box Development Management. Parish Council recemmended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

018 - Use of land to permanently site a static caravan to provide welfare facilities for staff and clients in connection with equestrian business, erection of manure bunker and retention of field shelter, stable, shed and haystore, to the north of Reeds Drive - Middlemoor Equestrian. Parish Council recommeded PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


001 - Display of signs at 42 Woolavington Hill - Co-operative Food. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

002 - Erection of dwelling at 52 Woolavington Hill - Mr & Mrs J. Turner. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION. . SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

003 - Temporary change of use of land for 10 years as a caravan site for touring and static caravans and the construction of a games room to be used by Hinkley Point workers only at Cossington Lane - Montana Scaffolding Ltd. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

004 - Erection of a detached two storey garage/log store with gym on first floor, Martland Farm, Higher Road, - J. Wylde - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

005 - Erection of a two storey extension to east elevation of domestic garage and conversion to a dwelling and creation of an access at 8 Lower Road - N. Craddock. - Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

006 - Erection of a single storey extension to front elevation at 20 Edgebury - B. Whitemore - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


008 - Erection of single storey extension on site of conservatory and conversion of loft to living accomodation, 6 Southfield Close - Mrs S. Cripps. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


010 - Erection of replacement agricultural building to house pigs, The Yards, Higher Road - C. Stone. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

011 - Change of use of agricultural storage building to allow the housing of sheep and cattle only, The Yards, Higher Road - C & W. Stone. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

012 - Crown lift to 3.5m to reduce shade, walnut tree at 6 The Drive - M. Dunn. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


014 – Erection of single storey extension at 51 Highcroft – Mr & Mrs N. Thompson. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


016 - Erection of an agricultural building to the south of Middlemoor Drove - Mr & Mrs J. Walford. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION

017 - Change of use of outbuilding to holiday let, 24 Vicarage Road - G. Watts. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

018 - Erection of two storey extension on site of garage, 4 Edgebury - S. Vigar  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


020 - Amendment of approved plans for erection of dwelling at 1A Hectorstones - Mr & Mrs M. Bowden. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

021- Formation of car park with 14 spaces, Windmill Crescent - Homes in Sedgemoor  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

022 - Formation of car park with 6 spaces, Polden Walk - Homes in Sedgemoor  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.

023 - Formation of car park with 22 spaces - Homes in Sedgemoor  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

024 - Change of use from leisure site to holiday park to allow 207 static holiday homes to be used 12 months of the year at Middlemoor Water Park - M. James.  Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN

025 - Work to trees at 12 Higher Road - A. Champion. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


027 - Erection of side extension, 9 Clark Close - Mr & Mrs P. Bolger  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION



002 - Erection of dwelling and 2 parking spaces, 20 Highcroft - Miss C. Rigby. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

003 - Erection of single storey extension to west elevation, 6 Ash Tree Farm Court - B. Coughlan. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

004 - Erection of single storey extension, Village Hall, Higher Road - Woolavington Village Hall Committee. Parish Council NO OBSERVATIONS. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION



007 Change of use and conversion of 2 holiday units to permanent dwellings, Watts Cottages, Vicarage Road - G. Watts. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL . WITHDRAWN

008 -Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 145 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system and formation of vehicular access to the north of Cossington Lane - Gladman Developments. Parish Council recommend REFUSAL.  SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

009 Arboricultural work to horse chestnut tree, 12 Higher Road - A. Champion. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

010 Amendment of conditions to allow revised layout of car park, 42 Woolavington Hill - Co-operative Group Ltd.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

011 Erection of dwelling and double garage, 28 Causeway - M. Chidgey. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

012 - Demolition of buildings and erection of 3 dwellings adjoining 42 Woolavington Hill - CGM Developments. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

013 - Erection of extension to agricultural building. north of Reeds Drive - S. Marsh WITHDRAWN

014 - Demolition of two-storey extension, garage and store and erection of replacement two-storey extension, 12 Meadway - R.J. Alexander. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


016 - Remove branches from phone lines, Field Maple, 5A Lower Road - Mr & Mrs R.J. Ingram. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

017 - Variation/removal of conditions attached to 54/17/00023 - formation of car park with 22 spaces, Sedgemoor Way - Homes in Sedgemoor – Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

018 - Variation/removal of conditions attached to 54/17/00022 - formation of car park with 6 spaces, Polden Walk - Homes in Sedgemoor – Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


001 - Demolition of part of garage and erection of building to form a triple garage with one-bedroom annexe above, 6 Hector Stones – M. Titmas – Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

002 - Arboricultural work to copper beech tree at Chapel House, The Causeway - J.P. Ashby - Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

003 Outline application for the erection of a dwelling and formation of access to the east of 8 Elm Lane - Mr & Mrs N. Haggett. - Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

004 -Variation of condition 2 of permission 54/17/00017 (Change of use of outbuilding to holiday let - allowed on appeal) to amend the design - Hurmans Farm, Vicarage Road - D. Shepherd. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


006 Crown reduction, Walnut tree, 6 The Drive - M. Dunn. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

007 Change of use of land for siting of 35 storage containers for self storage use and formation of associated access, Cossington Lane - Montana Scaffolding Ltd.. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

008 Full application for erection of 100 dwellings, including 30 affordable homes and outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 75 dwellings and associated infrastructure at Woolavington Hill - Wainhomes Severn Valley Ltd. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

009 - Change of use of hair salon to dwelling, Sedgemoor Road - J. Stevens. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


011 - Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 95 dwellings with public open space and landscaping, sustainable drainage system and vehicular access point from Higher Road and erection of a double garage with associated access at 39 Higher Road - Gladman Developments Ltd. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL.  SDC REFUSED PERMISSION


013 - Erection of detached dwelling, double garage and turning area, 7 Chilpitts - D. Logan. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

014 - Change of use and conversion of barn to dwelling with associated garden space and parking, Hurmans Farm, Vicarage Road - G. Watts. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.  SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

015 - Formation of plant nursery area and associated hardstanding, off Causeway - This is Gravity Ltd. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

016 - Change of use of garage to a dog grooming parlour, 49 Woolavington Hill - Mrs P. Randle. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

017 - Variation of condition to limit use of building to house cattle and sheep, The Yards, Woolavington Road - C. Stone. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


019 Approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of a dwelling and 2 parking spaces at 20 Highcroft - S. Spencer. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

020 Approval of the details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of a dwelling at Elm Lane - Mr & Mrs N. Haggett. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.  SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

021 - Erection of rear extension, Woolavington Village Hall, Higher Road, Woolavington - Woolavington Village Hall Committee. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

022 Variation of conditions of 54/18/00012 to revise site layout and change roof tiles, Woolavington Hill – CGM Developments – Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


024 - Change of use of land to equestrian and formation of horse arena, OS 4181 off Ham Lane - Mrs L. New. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


001 - Erection of single storey extension to side elevation and erection of porch, 41 Old Mill Road - K. Petvin. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

002 - Proposed two concrete yards, The Yards, Woolavington Road, Woolavington - C. Stone - PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT

003 - Erection of extension to rear elevation, 12 Horton Way - Mr & Mrs R. Hemms. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

004 - Formation of additional vehicular access, 49 Woolavington Hill - Mr & Mrs D. James. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

005 - Erection of extension to rear, 7 Church Street - Mrs A. Williams. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


007 - Erection of extension to front elevation, 24 Higher Road - Mr & Mrs D. Johnson. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

008 - Erection of single storey extension, 19 Horton Way - Mr & Mrs J. Jones. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

009 - Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 125 dwellings with public open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage system, formation of vehicular access and off site improvements to the A39/ B3141 Woolavington Hill junction. North of Cossington Lane, Woolavington - Gladman Developments. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

010 - Outline application with some matters reserved, for the demolition of stable buildings and the erection of up to 95 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system, vehicular access point from Higher Road and the erection of a double garage with associated access at 39 Higher Road. Land at Higher Road, Woolavington - Gladman Developments. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL.  SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

011 - Erection of self build dwelling, Martland Farm - Mrs C. Hayes & J. Wylde. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

012 - Erection of lean-to extension to agricultural building, The Yards, Higher Road - C. & W. Stone. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

013 - Change of use of hay and machinery building to allow the housing of livestock, The Yards, Higher Road - C. & W. Stone. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

014 - Erection of front porch and single storey extension to garage to form a ground floor bedroom with en-suite and a utility room, 11A Higher Road - Mr & Mrs A. Page-Dove. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

015 - Outline application for the erection of 3 self-build dwellings with individual car parking, turning area and access, 1 Reeds Drive, Woolavington - J. Pole. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

016 - Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of land for the storage of wood, cutting, logging and selling of logs, Meadow Farm - A.J. Chidgey. Parish Council recommended that a Certificate be GRANTED. SDC GRANTED a Certificate of Lawfulness.

017 - Erection of a general purpose agricultural building, The Yards, Woolavington Road, Woolavington - C. & W. Stone. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

018 -  Installation of a dormer window (clad with dark brown concrete plain tiles) and Juliet balcony, to the east elevation, and installation of rooflights to the west elevation to allow for the conversion of loft to living accomodation, 15 Knowle End, Woolavington - Mr & Mrs S. Smith - PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT.

019 - Proposed replacement of stables to the rear of Old Station House, Station Road, Cossington - L. Davidson. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

020 - Conversion of manor house to two 3 bed dwellings with associated parking, 8 The Causeway, Woolavington - G. Vellacott. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. WITHDRAWN by applicant.

021 - Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling and for associated building operations at Chilpitts, Woolavington - J. Haggett. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN by applicant.


001 & 002LB - Erection of a single storey extension to the east elevation and formation of a velux window to the west elevation, 7 Lower Road, Woolavington - A. Teal. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

003 - Extension to barn for the storage of agricultural machinery/hay/straw, to the north of Reeds Drive, Woolavington - S. Marsh.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

004 - Erection of first floor rear extension, 10 Chilpitts, Woolavington - O. Brown. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

005 - Change of use of land from business to a private domestic yard, to the north of Reeds Drive, Woolavington - Mr & Mrs Roberts. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

006 - Retrospective application for the formation of external wooden staircase to rear access into elevated garage, 25 Lynham Close, Woolavington - J. Bain. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

007 - Erection of 14 affordable dwellings to the south of Lavers Close, Woolavington - SHAL Housing Ltd. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN.

008 - Retrospective application for two mobile home pitches and the proposed creation of four mobile home pitches, Vardoes, Cossington Lane - Mr & Mrs W. Burton. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

009 - Certificate of Lawfulness for the erection a new two classroom block with toilets on site of temporary classroom unit to be demolished, Woolavington Village Primary School, Higher Road, Woolavington - Clevedon Learning Trust. WITHDRAWN

010 - Erection a new modern fit for purpose two classroom block with toilets on site of temporary classroom unit to be demolished, Woolavington Village Primary School, Higher Road, Woolavington - Clevedon Learning Trust. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

011 - Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwelling at Chilpitts, Woolavington - Mr & Mrs J. Haggett. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. SDC REFUSED PERMISSION

012 - Change of use of land to residential caravan site with 27 caravans and formation of hardstanding area, south of Green Paddock, Cossington Lane - A. Smith. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL.

013 - Erection of a conservatory to the rear elevation, proposed link roof, erection of a front porch & extension to garage, 54 Old Mill Road, Woolavington - Mr & Mrs R. Macauley.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

014 - Variations of Condition 2 of Planning Permission 54/19/00014 (Change of use and conversion of barn to dwelling with associated garden space and parking.) to amend the external finish, 24 Vicarage Road, Woolavington - G. Watts. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

015 - Erection of a single storey side extension, 9 Clark Close, Woolavington - P.J. Bolger.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION

016 - Erection of fence to the east & south boundary and formation of a new hedge row to the south boundary, 2A Higher Road, Woolavington - Mr & Mrs P. Packenham-Keady. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


018 - Work to field maple tree, 5A Lower Road - R. Ingram.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


020 - Formation of 105 additional storage containers for self storage use, Cossington Lane, Woolavington - Montana Scaffolding Limited. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION


001 - Erection of two storey side extension, front porch and single storey rear extension with two velux roof lights, also with the conversion of garage into a store, 22 Bawden Close, Woolavington - B. Dunham.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

002 - Erection of single storey extension on site of garage, 22 Edgebury - S. Hembery.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

003 - Change of use of agricultural land to campsite including the siting of shepherd's hut, six pitches and portable toilet block, 5 School Lane - S. Hares. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION.

004 - Conversion of loft to form additional living accomodation, erection of side and rear extension and installation of dormer and Juliet balcony, 2 Highcroft - Mrs S. Crandon. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

005- Erection of 14 affordable dwellings to the south of Lavers Close - SHAL Ltd. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL.

006- Erection of single storey extensions, conversion of garage into additional living space and erection of detached garage, 10 Crancombe Lane - Mr Pople & Miss Brislen.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


008- Erection of detached double garage and shed/store on site of conservatory, 11A Higher Road - A Page-Dove. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

009- Erection of two storey side and single storey front extensions, 10 Edgebury - P. Hancock. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

010- Conversion of loft to form additional living accomodation including roof height extension, installation of rooflights and erection of front porch extension, 1 Chertsey Close - Mr & Mrs K. Buck. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

011 - Change of use of private equestrian land to mixed use, including private equestrian and agricultural, Middlemoor Equestrian, Reeds Drive - Mrs E. Evans. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

012 - Erection of single storey rear and side extension, 6 Higher Road - Mrs D. Ross. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

013 - Siting of temporary mobile home as an agricultural worker's dwelling, north of Chilpitts - J. Haggett. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. WITHDRAWN.

014 - Erection of cattle shed, north of Chilpitts - J. Haggett. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

015 - Erection of agricultural building, north of Chilpitts - J. Haggett. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

016 - Erection of single storey rear and front porch extensions also with material treatment alterations to all elevations, 26 Woolavington Hill - D. Skelton. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

017 - Change of use from agricultural to B2 light industrial, with the existing concrete areas and hard standing used for storing of cord wood, adjacent to Meadow Farm, 28 Causeway - A. Chidgey. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.

018 - Erection of a single storey extension to the rear and side elevations on site of existing, 4 Knowle End - Miss E. Pope. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. SDC GRANTED PERMISSION.


001 - Reorganisation of traveller site comprising 11 pitches to allow for the siting of an additional 11 mobile homes, The Paddocks, Cossington Lane, Woolavington - G. Mason. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL

002 - Change of use of land to enable the formation of a seven pitch site for gypsies and travellers (revised scheme), Green Paddock, Cossington Lane, Cossington - A. Smith. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION.


004 - Continued use of land for the storage of caravans and other vehicles, 24 Vicarage Road - G. Watts.  Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

005 - Erection of a self-build dwelling and detached double garage/workshop with new access, including the change of use of agricultural land to residential use, Plot B, Newhouse Farm, Reeds Drive - Mr & Mrs T. Howes.  Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

006 - Removal of condition 4 of Planning Permission 54/19/00003 (Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling and formation of access.) to remove the condition requiring the allotments to be provided on the basis that there is no public demand for them, land at Elm Lane - Mr & Mrs N. Haggett. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL. Somerset Council REFUSED PERMISSION.

007 - Change of use of agricultural land to equestrian and formation of horse arena to the rear of 26 Lower Road - C. Preston & Mrs S. Barnett. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

008 - Crown reduce height/spread of Walnut (T8) by approx 2-3m, The Grange, 9 Lower Road - J.Earl. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

009 & 010LB - Erection of single story front and side extensions, 8 Church Street - Mr & Mrs Challice. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

011 - Crown lift Horse Chestnut to 3m above ground level, providing clearance to buildings and structures by 2-3m and reshape removing up to 2-3m off the height and up to 3-4m off the radial spread. Pruning secondary and tertiary growth only and cut size to less than 100mm, 10C Higher Road - J. Earl. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

012 - Retrospective application for use of land as a scaffolding yard and formation of vehicle access track at Hurmans Farm - G. Watts. Parish Council recommended CONDITIONAL PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

013 - Change of use of land to residential and erection of a self build dwelling with detached double garage, Plot A Reeds Drive - Stuart Lilley & Beverly Salt. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.



002 - Retention of the existing construction access on Higher Road for an additional 15 years in line with the life of the Gravity Local Development Order, north of Higher Road, Woolavington - This is Gravity Ltd. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.  Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

003 - Variation of Conditions 20 and 41 of Planning Permission Application No. 54/19/00008 (Hybrid (full and outline) application. Full application for the erection of 100 dwellings including 30 affordable homes and associated infrastructure. Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of up to 75 dwellings and associated infrastructure.) to amend the wording within the condition. Also application for the modification of Planning Obligation (Section 106 Agreement) dated 15th March 2022 relating to Planning Permission 54/19/00008 to amend the obligation regarding affordable housing -  land at Woolavington Hill, Woolavington - Wain Homes Ltd. Parish Council recommended REFUSAL

004 - Variation of approved plans, Plot B Newhouse Farm, Reeds Drive, Woolavington - Mr & Mrs T Howes. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.  Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

005 - Removal of Condition 4 of Planning Permission 54/19/00003 (Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling and formation of access.).Elm Lane, Woolavington - N. Haggett. 


007 - Retrospective application to upgrade and infill track to form a new stone agricultural track providing access off a public highway to the south of Combe Lane - IJ & SA Bell & Son. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

008 - Change of use of outbuilding to use as an annexe and holiday let, 5 Hector Stones - O Chambers-Smith & Miss L. Partridge. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.  Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

009 - Erection of a two-storey side extension onsite of existing (to be demolished), erection of a single storey rear  extension and chimney removal. Erection of a detached carport and alterations to access and parking, 11 Crancombe Lane - D. Kemp. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

010 - Erection of first floor extension to west elevation, Darkfield Farm, Cossington Lane - Mrs L. Willsteed. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.

011 - Erection of a single storey extension, 10 Bawden Close - Mr & Mrs R. Wells. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION. Somerset Council GRANTED PERMISSION.


013 - Prior approval for a single storey rear extension, 11 Polden Walk - R. Johns. APPROVED.

014 - Installation of fixed line broadband communication apparatus, south of Cossington Lane - Openreach. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT

015 - Installation of fixed line broadband communication apparatus, Plot B Reeds Drive - Openreach. PERMITTED DEVELOPMENT

016 - Alterations to overhead line to the west of Stoning Pound Rhyne, Causeway - National Grid. Somerset Council raised NO OBJECTION.

017 - Installation of pole mounted transformer and second pole to the north of Crancombe Lane - Openreach. Somerset Council raised NO OBJECTION.

018 - Demolition of conservatory and erection of a single storey extension to the side, 7 Chertsey Close - D. Kneller. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION. 

019 - Replacement of garage with the erection of a single storey extension to the side and replacement of conservatory with the erection of a single storey extension to the rear, 6 Dawbins Drive - Mrs K. Woolley. Parish Council recommended PERMISSION.