At the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th March, Paul Lowndes gave an update on matters relating to the Gravity Site. 305 acres had now been sold to Agratas to manufacture battery cells. 100 developable acres remained in the southern portion of the site. In the south west corner, a hotel, a new 37 club and a gym would be built. Ground preparation work had already started. Mr Lowndes answered question raised by residents.
The Village Enhancement Scheme had to commence within six months of the contractual completion of the link road which was likely by early April. Work on the VES was hoped to start in May and finish in September. There would be some disruption with road closures during the work. No other road closures were planned.
Construction traffic would use the link road not Higher Road. Any transgressors could be reported to Gravity.
Communication would be available through joint newsletters, websites, social media and Agratas would be appointing a liaison officer and there was likely to be a community forum.
Health and well-being would be achieved through high value jobs and training for young people.
Light pollution would be addressed through the LDO – there would be bat corridors and extensive tree planting.
The land near the Newlands Estate was unlikely to be used for residential purposes being too close to the T-Pylons.
An issue regarding the relocation of the football pitches to Bridgwater would be further considered.
It was agreed to invite Felix Mann, Corporate Director of Communications with Agratas to a future Meeting of the Parish Council.
Paul Lowdnes was thanked for his interesting update.