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Issues have increased during recent months relating to the exercising of dogs in the playing field. Some owners do not keep dogs on leads and fail to clean up as they do not see when they go. Loose dogs have also interrupted junior football sessions and some owners have been abusive when approached. Other dog owners let their dogs loose from cars in the car park, sit in the cars and wait for them to return. The dog warden has been in attendance and issued a warning to one individual.

Somerset Council are about to update their dog control order for North Somerset, Play areas qualify for complete dog bans and the playing field would appear to qualify for a dog on leads restriction. Further details are awaited but the CIO requested that the issue be publicised to raise awareness.

It would be a shame if responsible dog owners who look after their dogs and always clean up when in the field have their enjoyment curtailed by an irresponsible few but, now that more activities are taking place, the current situation cannot continue.